I've been going through the Suggested Edits queue and *frequently* when I see a review which is immediately clear as an audit, such as [this one][1]. I'm unable to review it. The only option that is available to me is *Next* and besides that I have the text. >This item is not reviewable. Is this intended? I would understand these audits disappearing in other queues such as in [this question][2]. However to the best of my knowledge the suggested edit audits are procedurally generated and so a moderator wouldn't have made the question/answer no longer fit the criteria. <sub>*Unless they're editing my audits on the fly.*</sub> ***Edit:*** Here's another: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/16528664 [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/16512030 [2]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/277130/this-item-is-no-longer-reviewable-on-an-ended-review