Adding to the answers already here, [Stack Overflow is the most popular Stack Exchange site by several metrics][1]. It really has the most "brand recognition" if you will, and thus attracts a lot of beginners and outsiders. When Average Joe who doesn't frequent SE sites and isn't that involved has a technical question that would probably be better suited for one of the other sites, he just thinks "Oh, I'll ask it on SO" because it always gets high marks on Google searches, because it's kind of the grandfather of SE sites. Joe would not even think about the other sites, or know they exist. On top of that, how would he know if his question is better suited for Stack Overflow, Programmers, Code Review, Server Fault, Linux & Unix, Ask Ubuntu, or Super User? He would have to do research, and that's too much work! (admittedly, I am guilty of this sometimes too) And the people who do do their research are probably going to answer that duplicate or off-topic question themselves anyways, so they're weeded out. Plus sometimes, programming and server administration kind of bleed together, so there's kind of a gray area in the middle somewhere. That's my take anyways, and is a pretty common theme among these off-topic or duplicate questions I see on SO. [1]: