Problems with the current excerpt:

  * Reads like marketing material.
  * Includes a lot of meaningless fluff ("building a variety of applications", "simple," "powerful")
  * Does not explain when to use the tag

Additional problems with the older revision:

  * C# is not multiparadigm. It's OO. The [wiki]( is the thing that's misleading. It has a few features that enable stuffing functions into variables, but it is definitely not a functional language. Functional languages are not imperative, and C# is definitely not equipped to avoid writing imperative code.
  * Telling people how to write questions is out of scope for a tag wiki.

Suggestion to solve these problems:

> C# (pronounced "see sharp") is a high level, statically typed, object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. C# code usually targets Microsoft's .NET family of tools and runtimes, which include the .NET Framework and .NET Core. Use this tag for questions about code written in C# or C#'s formal specification. Most questions also need a tag for the target .NET platform, such as [.net] (for the .NET Framework), [.net-core], or [.net-standard].


  * It's important to give the reader *some* brief description of what we're talking about.
  * It's likely that people will be confused about the difference between .NET and C#, so this attempts to clarify that .NET is the tools and runtime while C# is the language.
  * Tag wikis should indicate when to use the tag.
  * Since most C# questions will be targeting a .NET platform and sometimes it matters which one, most C# questions will also need a tag indicating which platform is being targeted.

Possible improvements over this:

  * I don't like using the word "platform." I don't think it's a term MS uses. Any info about what terms MS uses when discussing the different tool sets and runtimes is appreciated.

Things I notice in the [full wiki](

  * The the bit about "multiparadigm" needs to be removed there.
  * It claims `dynamic` enables "type inference," but that's not what it does. It disables static typing for that variable, preventing the compiler checks on type compatibility and member references.
  * I don't know why there's a bunch of info about which versions introduced certain keywords and the features that correspond to them. Maybe it should just talk about the features themselves, without making it a change log? An SO tag wiki seems like a bad place for a change log.