> Very often I catch myself too answering off the top of my head instead of searching the duplicate, because it is much faster. 

that's probably because either you already answered or you already saw similar answers. The fact that you can answer very quickly is a good indication that the question already has an answer.

Whereas it's tolerated for unexperienced users, with your rep, you probably have a gold badge in the topics you're answering to, so you could quickly:

- google for a duplicate (rewording the question if needed) appending with "site:stackoverflow.com", find it, navigate, copy link, hammer. Done
- if you don't find an exact dupe like this, you can still close with an approximate dupe, then use the "edit" feature to change by a more accurate one in the next minutes (that is if you want to lock the question because you _know_ it's a duplicate)
- if you know you already answered, click on your profile (prefills the "user:me" part and search for keywords. Even if the search engine is bad, searching through your posts with your terms often gives the answer.

Sometimes the question is worded in a complete different way, and the duplicate is a good way to reach/unearth the original question, so it's okay that it stays, as [Jeff Artwood stated][1] (and sometimes you cannot be aware of all the duplicates, even with a gold badge)

If you're infuriated at users who got upvoted on a blatant dupe (annoying as hell, true), or worse, some gold badge owner reopens the question so he can answer & get upvotes (I have names :)), you can always summon [SOCVR][2], and if the room users think there's some abuse they'll act accordingly to close/delete the Q&A altogether so the ill-gotten rep will go away.

And in the end, if everyone provides good arguments that this isn't a dupe, and you finally agree, you can always reopen & answer. Noone will slap you for that.

  [1]: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/11/dr-strangedupe-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-duplication/
  [2]: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570/so-close-vote-reviewers