My example is someone who posted about 250 questions and 40 answers, but most of the questions are pretty simple and not very highly voted. Indeed about 60 questions have positive scores, about 30 questions have negative scores and the overwhelming rest (~160) have zero score. 30 out of 40 answers have zero score. The total rep is about 900 which is not much given the number of questions and answers. It is quite clear that this user prefers asking on SO over working through manuals/books/... and indeed when you take all questions together you would get something like a beginners tutorial but from a highly fragmented and specific perspective. My impression is that SO is the primary learning ressource in this case. The effect on SO will be many more low quality questions (low quality approximated here by zero score). So I wonder, should I downvote these questions more often or would this be too harsh and such questions have a place on SO too? Furthermore: Should the sheer number of similarly low quality questions play a role when evaluating the quality of a single question or should still each question be regarded completely independent from any history of the questioner?