I asked this question on Code Review, mistakenly thinking it was the proper place to review buggy code. Is this question a good fit for Stack Overflow? ---- I am attempting to write a tangent-basis generation script. The input file is an obj, and the data is read into separate lists for each data type (verts, normals, tex-coords). Can you spot where the script is going wrong? The values I should be getting are not coming up (for a cude shaped object, the "tangents" are not perpendicular to the corresponding normals). vertices gets filled with tuples of the format: (x,y,z) vertice_Tex_Coords gets filled with tuples of the format: (coord_X, coord_Y) vertices_Normals gets filled with tuples of the format: (norm_X,norm_Y,norm_Z) faces gets filled with tuples of the format: (vert1,vert2,vert3) Faces holds the vertex indices from the object file. This entire data set is parsed pretty much the same way a obj file is generated actually. vertices = [] converted_Vertices = [] vertice_Tex_Coords = [] converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords = [] vertice_Normals = [] converted_Vertice_Normals = [] tangent_Space_Matrices = [] # Probably going to remove this and replace with 'Tangents'/'Bi-Tangents' # tangents = [] # bi_tangents = [] faces = [] # parse_Type = input("Type of file to parse? \n\n 0=Verts \n\n 1=Verts+Normals \n\n 2=Verts+Normals+UV's \n\n\n") parse_Type = 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # PARSE DATA TO SEPARATE LISTS # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# for line in file_In: line = line.split() if len(line) !=0 and line[0] == 'v': vertices.append( tuple( [float(line[1]), float(line[2]), float(line[3])] ) ) elif len(line) !=0 and line[0] == 'vt': vertice_Tex_Coords.append( tuple( [float(line[1]), float(line[2])] ) ) elif len(line) !=0 and line[0] == 'vn': vertice_Normals.append( [float(line[1]), float(line[2]), float(line[3]) ] ) # This set of rules determines which way to split faces elif len(line) !=0 and line[0] == 'f': if parse_Type == 0: # Handles Vertex-only format exports face_Pairs = [] for pair in line[1:]: pair = pair.split('//') face_Pairs.append( [int(pair[0]),int(pair[1])] ) faces.append(tuple(face_Pairs)) elif parse_Type == 1: # Handles Vertex+Normals format exports face_Pairs = [] for pair in line[1:]: pair = pair.split('//') face_Pairs.append( [int(pair[0]),int(pair[1])] ) faces.append(tuple(face_Pairs)) elif parse_Type == 2: # Handles Vertex+Normals+Tex-Coords format exports face_Pairs = [] for pair in line[1:]: pair = pair.split('/') face_Pairs.append( [int(pair[0]),int(pair[1]),int(pair[2])] ) faces.append(tuple(face_Pairs)) elif parse_Type == 3: face_Pairs = [] for pair in line[1:]: pair = pair.split('//') face_Pairs.append( [int(pair[0]),int(pair[1])] ) faces.append(tuple(face_Pairs)) print "Length of list data: " print len(vertices) print len(vertice_Tex_Coords) print len(vertice_Normals) **The following is the actual code which is supposed to generate the tangent vector (which gets cross-prod multiplied to get the bi-tangent.** - def calc_Tangent_Space(vertices, converted_Vertices, vertice_Tex_Coords, converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords, vertice_Normals, converted_Vertice_Normals, faces): from numpy import array, cross, dot, where from numpy.linalg import norm, det from math import sqrt from decimal import * # Following sets precision of Decimal class operations setcontext(ExtendedContext) getcontext().prec = 6 tangent_Space_Matrices = [] # Convert vertice elements to Decimal class for accuracy (Is there a better way of handling this?) for elem in vertices: temp_List = [] for f in elem: temp_List.append(Decimal(f)) converted_Vertices.append(tuple(temp_List)) for elem in vertice_Tex_Coords: temp_List = [] for f in elem: temp_List.append(Decimal(f)) converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords.append(temp_List) for elem in vertice_Normals: temp_List = [] for f in elem: temp_List.append(Decimal(f)) converted_Vertice_Normals.append(temp_List) counter = 0 for vert in vertices: counter +=1 index_Val = 0 faces_Connected = [] face_Positions = [] # Find which faces use the current vert, and record the face (faces_Connected) it's position within each (face_Positions) for face in faces: if converted_Vertices.index(vert) == face[0][0]-1: # print "connected: ", face faces_Connected.append(face) face_Positions.append(0) elif converted_Vertices.index(vert) == face[1][0]-1: faces_Connected.append(face) face_Positions.append(1) elif converted_Vertices.index(vert) == face[2][0]-1: faces_Connected.append(face) face_Positions.append(2) vert_0 = () # Vert_0 will always be the current vert. It's the pivot, and gets SUBTRACTED from the other two to form the vectors. vert_1 = () vert_2 = () vector_1 = () vector_2 = () texCoordsVector_1 = () texCoordsVector_2 = () quotient = 0 vectors_To_Avg = [] for f in faces_Connected: print "\nConnected Face: ", f for f in faces_Connected: tangent_Vec_Matrix = [[Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0)], [Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0)]] if face_Positions[faces_Connected.index(f)] == 0: # Assign the verts based on current verts position in tri vert_0 = converted_Vertices[f[0][0]-1] vert_1 = converted_Vertices[f[1][0]-1] vert_2 = converted_Vertices[f[2][0]-1] # Create tex Coord Vectors texCoordsVector_1 = tuple( [converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[1][2]-1][0] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][0], converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[1][2]-1][1] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][1]] ) texCoordsVector_2 = tuple( [converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][0] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][0], converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][1] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][1]] ) elif face_Positions[faces_Connected.index(f)] == 1: # Assign the verts based on current verts position in tri vert_0 = converted_Vertices[f[1][0]-1] vert_1 = converted_Vertices[f[2][0]-1] vert_2 = converted_Vertices[f[0][0]-1] # Create tex Coord Vectors texCoordsVector_1 = tuple( [converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][0] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[1][2]-1][0], converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][1] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[1][2]-1][1]] ) texCoordsVector_2 = tuple( [converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][0] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][0], converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][1] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][1]] ) elif face_Positions[faces_Connected.index(f)] == 2: # Assign the verts based on current verts position in tri vert_0 = converted_Vertices[f[2][0]-1] vert_1 = converted_Vertices[f[0][0]-1] vert_2 = converted_Vertices[f[1][0]-1] # Create tex Coord Vectors texCoordsVector_1 = tuple( [converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[1][2]-1][0] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][0], converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[1][2]-1][1] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][1]] ) texCoordsVector_2 = tuple( [converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][0] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][0], converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[0][2]-1][1] - converted_Vertice_Tex_Coords[f[2][2]-1][1]] ) # Create vertex Vectors vector_1 = tuple([(vert_1[0]-vert_0[0]), (vert_1[1]-vert_0[1]), (vert_1[2]-vert_0[2])]) vector_2 = tuple([(vert_2[0]-vert_0[0]), (vert_2[1]-vert_0[1]), (vert_2[2]-vert_0[2])]) # Create Quotient quotient = Decimal(1.0)/((texCoordsVector_1[0]*texCoordsVector_2[1]) - (texCoordsVector_2[0]*texCoordsVector_1[1])) # Create the determinant for the inverse tex coord matrix determinant = det([texCoordsVector_1,texCoordsVector_2]) # Create the inverse tex coord matrix using the determinant inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix = [ [ texCoordsVector_2[1]/Decimal(determinant), -texCoordsVector_1[1]/Decimal(determinant)], [-texCoordsVector_2[0]/Decimal(determinant), texCoordsVector_1[0]/Decimal(determinant)] ] tangent_Vec_Matrix[0][0] = quotient * ((inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[0][0] * vector_1[0]) + (inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][0] * vector_2[0])) tangent_Vec_Matrix[0][1] = quotient * ((inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[0][0] * vector_1[1]) + (inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][0] * vector_2[1])) tangent_Vec_Matrix[0][2] = quotient * ((inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[0][0] * vector_1[2]) + (inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][0] * vector_2[2])) tangent_Vec_Matrix[1][0] = quotient * ((inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][0] * vector_1[0]) + (inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][1] * vector_2[0])) tangent_Vec_Matrix[1][1] = quotient * ((inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][0] * vector_1[1]) + (inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][1] * vector_2[1])) tangent_Vec_Matrix[1][2] = quotient * ((inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][0] * vector_1[2]) + (inverse_Tex_Coord_Matrix[1][1] * vector_2[2])) # Normalize the vectors here magnitude = norm(tangent_Vec_Matrix[0]) tangent_Vec_Matrix[0][0] /= magnitude tangent_Vec_Matrix[0][1] /= magnitude tangent_Vec_Matrix[0][2] /= magnitude magnitude = norm(tangent_Vec_Matrix[1]) tangent_Vec_Matrix[1][0] /= magnitude tangent_Vec_Matrix[1][1] /= magnitude tangent_Vec_Matrix[1][2] /= magnitude vectors_To_Avg.append(tangent_Vec_Matrix) # Begin averaging all the vectors just like you would the normals matrix_Map = [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2)] consolidated_Matrix = array([ [Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0)], [Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0), Decimal(0.0)] ]) for mat in vectors_To_Avg: consolidated_Matrix += array(mat) consolidated_Matrix /= len(vectors_To_Avg) consolidated_Matrix = array([consolidated_Matrix[0], consolidated_Matrix[1], cross(consolidated_Matrix[0], consolidated_Matrix[1])]) temp_Matrix =[] temp_Vec = [] mag = norm(consolidated_Matrix[0]) for elem in consolidated_Matrix[0]: elem_ID = where(elem) consolidated_Matrix[0][elem_ID] /= mag mag = norm(consolidated_Matrix[1]) for elem in consolidated_Matrix[1]: elem_ID = where(elem) consolidated_Matrix[1][elem_ID] /= mag mag = norm(consolidated_Matrix[2]) for elem in consolidated_Matrix[2]: elem_ID = where(elem) consolidated_Matrix[2][elem_ID] /= mag tangent_Space_Matrices.append(consolidated_Matrix) # for each vector set in the list: # grab each vectorand make them orthogonal, assign to the first vector and store the winding order as the "W" component # # Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize: # tangent[a] = (t - n * Dot(n, t)).Normalize(); return tangent_Space_Matrices **A copy of the obj file:** - # Blender v2.70 (sub 0) OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org o Cube v -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 v -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 v -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 v -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 v 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 v -1.194667 0.000000 1.194667 v -1.194667 1.194667 0.000000 v -1.194667 0.000000 -1.194667 v -1.194667 -1.194667 0.000000 v 0.000000 1.194667 -1.194667 v 1.194667 0.000000 -1.194667 v 0.000000 -1.194667 -1.194667 v 1.194667 1.194667 0.000000 v 1.194667 0.000000 1.194667 v 1.194667 -1.194667 0.000000 v 0.000000 1.194667 1.194667 v 0.000000 -1.194667 1.194667 v -1.543509 0.000000 0.000000 v 0.000000 0.000000 -1.543509 v 1.543509 0.000000 0.000000 v 0.000000 0.000000 1.543509 v 0.000000 -1.543509 0.000000 v 0.000000 1.543509 0.000000 vt 0.854079 0.521961 vt 0.805523 0.654757 vt 0.664129 0.654982 vt 0.310049 0.333551 vt 0.451444 0.333775 vt 0.500000 0.466571 vt 0.664128 0.987142 vt 0.536081 0.940552 vt 0.532186 0.798731 vt 0.310049 0.984442 vt 0.182002 0.937853 vt 0.178107 0.796032 vt 0.368058 0.009068 vt 0.500000 0.061219 vt 0.500000 0.197479 vt 0.854079 0.195874 vt 0.805523 0.328669 vt 0.664129 0.328894 vt 0.532186 0.466571 vt 0.689643 0.489283 vt 0.722137 0.333551 vt 0.854079 0.385702 vt 0.368058 0.654982 vt 0.335564 0.499250 vt 0.178107 0.521961 vt 0.182002 0.380140 vt 0.722137 0.665711 vt 0.689643 0.821443 vt 0.854079 0.854122 vt 0.805523 0.986917 vt 0.368058 0.663011 vt 0.335564 0.818743 vt 0.500000 0.851422 vt 0.451444 0.984218 vt 0.310049 0.330499 vt 0.335564 0.164800 vt 0.178107 0.142088 vt 0.230559 0.014854 vt 0.532187 0.140483 vt 0.689643 0.163195 vt 0.722137 0.007463 vt 0.854079 0.059614 vt 0.536081 0.608392 vt 0.584638 0.339337 vt 0.500000 0.602830 vt 0.230559 0.649195 vt 0.584638 0.671497 vt 0.854079 0.717862 vt 0.230558 0.668798 vt 0.500000 0.715163 vt 0.451444 0.330274 vt 0.182002 0.283909 vt 0.536081 0.282305 vt 0.584638 0.013249 vn -0.965392 0.000000 -0.260804 vn -0.681744 -0.681744 -0.265426 vn -0.707083 -0.707083 0.000000 vn 0.707083 0.000000 -0.707083 vn 0.577350 -0.577350 -0.577350 vn 0.000000 -0.260804 -0.965392 vn 0.707083 0.000000 0.707083 vn 0.577350 -0.577350 0.577350 vn 0.707083 -0.707083 0.000000 vn -0.260804 0.000000 0.965392 vn -0.228726 -0.228727 0.946239 vn 0.000000 -0.260804 0.965392 vn 0.000000 -0.965392 -0.260804 vn -0.000000 0.965392 -0.260804 vn -0.681744 0.681744 -0.265426 vn -0.707083 0.707083 0.000000 vn -0.965392 -0.000000 0.260804 vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn -0.260804 -0.000000 -0.965392 vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.260804 -0.965392 vn 0.681744 0.265426 -0.681744 vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn 0.965392 0.260804 0.000000 vn 0.681744 0.265426 0.681744 vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 vn -0.000000 0.260804 0.965392 vn -0.228726 0.228727 0.946239 vn -0.000000 -0.965392 0.260804 vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 0.965392 0.260804 vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.260804 0.965392 0.000000 vn 0.228727 0.946239 -0.228726 vn -0.681744 -0.681744 0.265426 vn -0.681744 0.681744 0.265426 vn -0.228726 -0.228727 -0.946239 vn -0.228726 0.228727 -0.946239 vn 0.228727 0.946239 0.228726 usemtl None s 1 f 11/1/1 2/2/2 12/3/3 f 14/4/4 3/5/5 15/6/6 f 17/7/7 4/8/8 18/9/9 f 9/10/10 1/11/11 20/12/12 f 15/13/13 3/14/5 18/15/9 f 13/16/14 6/17/15 10/18/16 f 9/19/17 21/20/18 12/3/3 f 10/21/16 21/20/18 9/19/17 f 10/21/16 6/22/15 11/1/1 f 11/23/19 22/24/20 15/6/6 f 13/25/21 22/24/20 11/23/19 f 13/25/21 7/26/22 14/4/4 f 14/27/4 23/28/23 18/9/9 f 16/29/24 23/28/23 14/27/4 f 16/29/24 8/30/25 17/7/7 f 17/31/7 24/32/26 20/12/12 f 19/33/27 24/32/26 17/31/7 f 19/33/27 5/34/28 9/10/10 f 20/35/29 25/36/30 18/15/9 f 12/37/3 25/36/30 20/35/29 f 12/37/3 2/38/2 15/13/13 f 19/39/31 26/40/32 10/18/16 f 16/41/33 26/40/32 19/39/31 f 16/41/33 7/42/34 13/16/14 f 21/20/18 11/1/1 12/3/3 f 22/24/20 14/4/4 15/6/6 f 23/28/23 17/7/7 18/9/9 f 24/32/26 9/10/10 20/12/12 f 25/36/30 15/13/13 18/15/9 f 26/40/32 13/16/14 10/18/16 f 1/43/35 9/19/17 12/3/3 f 5/44/36 10/21/16 9/19/17 f 21/20/18 10/21/16 11/1/1 f 2/45/37 11/23/19 15/6/6 f 6/46/38 13/25/21 11/23/19 f 22/24/20 13/25/21 14/4/4 f 3/47/5 14/27/4 18/9/9 f 7/48/22 16/29/24 14/27/4 f 23/28/23 16/29/24 17/7/7 f 4/49/8 17/31/7 20/12/12 f 8/50/25 19/33/27 17/31/7 f 24/32/26 19/33/27 9/10/10 f 4/51/8 20/35/29 18/15/9 f 1/52/35 12/37/3 20/35/29 f 25/36/30 12/37/3 15/13/13 f 5/53/36 19/39/31 10/18/16 f 8/54/39 16/41/33 19/39/31 f 26/40/32 16/41/33 13/16/14 **A copy of the outputted Tangent_Space_Matrices:** - [[Decimal('-1.71863') Decimal('0.436203') Decimal('-0.00356367')] [Decimal('5.17739') Decimal('0.0262889') Decimal('0.113778')] [Decimal('5.53967') Decimal('0.0550711') Decimal('-0.194126')]] [[Decimal('-0.893424') Decimal('0.53703') Decimal('0.330398')] [Decimal('3.12530') Decimal('-0.233673') Decimal('0.144461')] [Decimal('5.88255') Decimal('0.236697') Decimal('-0.092097')]] [[Decimal('-3.92581') Decimal('0.00338467') Decimal('0.210698')] [Decimal('1.30546') Decimal('-0.196836') Decimal('-0.487913')] [Decimal('233.266') Decimal('0.0380384') Decimal('0.00668408')]] [[Decimal('1.10141') Decimal('0.105360') Decimal('0.222156')] [Decimal('0.374179') Decimal('0.470633') Decimal('-0.459993')] [Decimal('-39.9670') Decimal('0.0322965') Decimal('-0.00396433')]] [[Decimal('3.63704') Decimal('0.059916') Decimal('0.274198')] [Decimal('-0.844737') Decimal('-0.624593') Decimal('0.215930')] [Decimal('4.92071') Decimal('-0.180000') Decimal('-0.213479')]] [[Decimal('-12.4175') Decimal('-0.152201') Decimal('0.078841')] [Decimal('-5.26066') Decimal('-0.269853') Decimal('-0.0181329')] [Decimal('898.268') Decimal('-0.0169986') Decimal('-0.0052866')]] [[Decimal('1.47515') Decimal('-0.316216') Decimal('-0.0901863')] [Decimal('1.16518') Decimal('-0.00368167') Decimal('0.523723')] [Decimal('-26.3244') Decimal('-0.0474518') Decimal('0.0658484')]] [[Decimal('-10.5317') Decimal('0.0619627') Decimal('-0.118149')] [Decimal('1.61942') Decimal('0.084988') Decimal('-0.478947')] [Decimal('-4.18692') Decimal('-0.160955') Decimal('-0.0415415')]] [[Decimal('-0.744823') Decimal('-0.182531') Decimal('-0.23390')] [Decimal('-2.61680') Decimal('0.37657') Decimal('0.071616')] [Decimal('53.5092') Decimal('0.0623191') Decimal('-0.0549116')]] [[Decimal('2.56020') Decimal('-0.188995') Decimal('-0.338066')] [Decimal('0.782069') Decimal('0.344924') Decimal('0.123135')] [Decimal('32.8582') Decimal('-0.0450337') Decimal('0.0965270')]] [[Decimal('3.00188') Decimal('-0.356844') Decimal('0.029567')] [Decimal('5.17998') Decimal('-0.223486') Decimal('-0.0739466')] [Decimal('300.374') Decimal('0.0208984') Decimal('-0.0277167')]] [[Decimal('3.20561') Decimal('-0.279892') Decimal('0.171362')] [Decimal('8.32054') Decimal('-0.0193308') Decimal('-0.192476')] [Decimal('146.933') Decimal('0.0417765') Decimal('0.0177536')]] [[Decimal('1.87810') Decimal('-0.394379') Decimal('-0.0753646')] [Decimal('5.03821') Decimal('-0.114146') Decimal('-0.0610071')] [Decimal('4.61085') Decimal('-0.0223741') Decimal('0.147173')]] [[Decimal('10.9217') Decimal('-0.153599') Decimal('0.107657')] [Decimal('-7.82668') Decimal('-0.179895') Decimal('-0.127484')] [Decimal('194.460') Decimal('0.0013918') Decimal('-0.0436388')]] [[Decimal('-1.14915') Decimal('-0.267789') Decimal('0.276414')] [Decimal('-9.70081') Decimal('0.155311') Decimal('0.0281595')] [Decimal('-33.9198') Decimal('-0.0669974') Decimal('-0.0774431')]] [[Decimal('-0.515017') Decimal('0.176061') Decimal('0.417142')] [Decimal('5.90286') Decimal('-0.0289631') Decimal('-0.252752')] [Decimal('-96.8026') Decimal('0.0551345') Decimal('-0.0270499')]] [[Decimal('-3.23047') Decimal('-0.28732') Decimal('-0.00698838')] [Decimal('2.33777') Decimal('0.0559616') Decimal('0.124631')] [Decimal('-688.674') Decimal('0.0108797') Decimal('-0.00318628')]] [[Decimal('0.502196') Decimal('0.116836') Decimal('0.747486')] [Decimal('-15.5062') Decimal('-0.0638302') Decimal('-0.137219')] [Decimal('556.324') Decimal('-0.0204466') Decimal('-0.00764613')]] [[Decimal('0.209075') Decimal('-0.387024') Decimal('0.179379')] [Decimal('-4.35057') Decimal('0.24733') Decimal('0.141904')] [Decimal('-26.7169') Decimal('-0.0534034') Decimal('-0.106219')]] [[Decimal('1.29200') Decimal('-0.257231') Decimal('-0.178968')] [Decimal('-5.72240') Decimal('0.00422338') Decimal('-0.111968')] [Decimal('13.6006') Decimal('0.0751484') Decimal('-0.101278')]] [[Decimal('5.60942') Decimal('0.0444642') Decimal('0.248025')] [Decimal('3.05805') Decimal('-0.351908') Decimal('0.0449598')] [Decimal('31.0427') Decimal('0.0506420') Decimal('-0.0984297')]] [[Decimal('-4.09833') Decimal('-0.144532') Decimal('0.265408')] [Decimal('1.26981') Decimal('0.45041') Decimal('0.0672595')] [Decimal('-38.5617') Decimal('0.0478609') Decimal('-0.0582978')]] [[Decimal('0.427084') Decimal('0.188040') Decimal('0.345115')] [Decimal('1.10737') Decimal('-0.422318') Decimal('-0.241098')] [Decimal('56.3329') Decimal('0.0561973') Decimal('-0.0382132')]] [[Decimal('1.93299') Decimal('0.368665') Decimal('-0.246565')] [Decimal('-1.07242') Decimal('-0.223065') Decimal('-0.296902')] [Decimal('-22.4639') Decimal('0.0951676') Decimal('-0.0400012')]] [[Decimal('1.45521') Decimal('0.0426258') Decimal('0.460932')] [Decimal('-6.87113') Decimal('0.00734925') Decimal('-0.206597')] [Decimal('-20.4614') Decimal('0.0829523') Decimal('0.00720732')]] [[Decimal('3.66955') Decimal('0.290382') Decimal('-0.143062')] [Decimal('7.98748') Decimal('0.0173328') Decimal('0.218166')] [Decimal('52.3476') Decimal('-0.0723939') Decimal('-0.0455665')]] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# I know it is quite a long piece, but I am seriously stuck...I looked over the math and I am not sure wth could be wrong. Is this ok to post? If not, could someone recommend a suitable place for me to get help with fixing this algorithm? I'll probably end up using assimp to generate the TBN's, but I would like to know what I missed here... :/