Evidently I am extremely new to Stack Overflow, and while trying to familiarize myself with how everything works I have been left with a burning question. If I find a question that is almost certainly a duplicate and has extremely poor formatting which greatly harms readability *(i.e. code is completely not formatted, multitude of confusing spelling mistakes, etc.)* in addition to flagging it as a duplicate, **is it worthwhile or wasting others' time** if I suggest an edit to fix severe question issues?

<li>On one hand, I have no doubt that were my edit to be approved for one of these questions, it would be easier for others to understand and consequently flag it (or vote to close it) as a duplicate as well, which could reduce the time necessary for it to be closed. Additionally, sometimes when looking up questions previous to having my own account on Stack Overflow, I found that duplicates appeared at the top of Google and I only found the canonical question by following through the duplicate. This makes me think that I should in fact suggest an edit, as other users may come across it while seeking the original question </li>

<li>Contrarily however, editing would place my question in the Edit queue and then require 3 reviewers to approve it, which I have a nagging suspicion could be seen as a huge waste of time for reviewers when they see that I flagged the question as a duplicate anyways, which (*I think*) implies that I want users to be pointed towards the original canonical question anyways.  

Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting actually changing the content of the question at all, or adding a note that it is a duplicate or anything of that nature.