I was the one who edited the gist of the [new answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/45195783/119775) into the [original answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/42593334/119775).

The original answer was lengthy and complete. The new one was just a small amendment to it:

    grr = pd.scatter_matrix( ...           # <--- original

    grr = pd.plotting.scatter_matrix( ...  # <--- new
            ^^^^^^^^^                      # <--- 9 extra characters

I didn't see the benefit of having this minor correction in a separate answer. Why not just put it where it belongs? So that's what I did.

Once that was done, the new answer had become completely redundant. Not much reason to keep it around. So I flagged it for deletion. This certainly wasn't meant as a sleight to the author or to the undeniable value of his contribution. It was just sound housekeeping. 

Note: I never flagged it as "low quality", because two things: 1. It certainly isn't low quality, and 2. you can't flag things as "low quality" on SO. 

I did, however, flag it as "not an answer", because in my view, it wasn't an answer proper, but rather a minor correction to an existing answer. That it