I can't help you with this particular case but, in general, I'd _really_ like to see better error messages here.

> If the rejection message was too specific about what's wrong, users would probably just do the simplest thing to bypass the rejection, i.e. add an asterisk in a suitable place or something. So there is a reason the message is vague. ([src](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/286525/vague-and-unclear-comment-cannot-contain-that-content-error?cb=1#comment157579_286525))

Optimising a GUI to defend against malicious use is not only arse-backwards design, but explicitly goes against SO's oft-touted policy of "assuming good intent". The correct way to deal with comments that were posted by brutishly circumventing a filter is to flag/delete them after-the-fact.

And then we can make the error messages _tell us what is wrong_ so that we can post our content.

I consider this to be a bug in the same vein as the insanity-laden 15-minute comment submission timer that we _still_ have to deal with.