Maybe this is easier? ## *Any* deletion of a post which is closed as a duplicate is seen as abuse. My gut tells me that the root of this is that there is a crusade against duplicate posts and whether or not they should be visible on the site. Deleting them out of hand (that is to say, within less than a *week* of it being closed) *explicitly* goes [against the advice or caution given for the privilege](, and the fact that we're dealing with this seems like we should use this angle instead to control it. This gives the moderators some clear backing and a clear path to go forward on. - You reinforce the message and policy that has already existed since time immemorial on content deletion. - You give Stack Exchange a chance (a *chance*) to deal with it at a higher level. Hey, they took time out to deal with [community wikis](; maybe they'll bother about this one? - The people who do abuse this start making themselves more and more visible, making it easier and easier to deal with them. On both sides.