**3D DEV for Dummies** I had to tackle a 3D project in three.js with webGL, and it had been a couple of years since I last had to use that part of my math knowledge, so it was all quite rusty if I'm being completely honest. After a couple of days of searching on my own, I decided to ask StackOverflow and see if someone there could help me out. That's where I met [TOAOGG](http://stackoverflow.com/users/1085414/toaogg) who seemed intruiged by my problem and first asked me some basic questions about the problem through comments, and gave a solution short after. *Only*: the solution didn't solve my problem, but did fix something else I was stuck on. I let [TOAOGG](http://stackoverflow.com/users/1085414/toaogg) know, and decided to contact him in the SO chat. It was the beginning of a 4-hour long chat session where we tried to solve the problem together: trial and error, checking of formulas, rewriting entire parts of code. [TOAOGG](http://stackoverflow.com/users/1085414/toaogg) helped me tremendously to get all those dust-collecting math formulas to the active part of my brain again. To rediscover the fun in 3D and, at that moment the most important part: to solve my issue. Thanks for spending your afternoon, trying to solve a problem of a random stranger!