I don't know if others feel the same, but to me this decision seems just another step taken on the road of "Us VS Them".

It is quite evident right now. The Stack Exchange Network currently had its own share of problems lately. The company... I don't know what the situation is *now*, but we all know about the "massive" lay-off that happened some time ago - financial problems, workforce reduction and the such... Has the emergency now ended? I am not sure. "Be nice" problems and public relation ones, Twitter-related incidents, user e-mail disclosures, workers getting personal threats emails even... one incident after another... And they kept coming. Again. And Again. And Again.
I don't envy you the slightest - it must have been harsh times. And I work with SharePoint.

And while the staff had its bad time... the community didn't had much more fun. With each new "incident", with each new "meta drama" the userbase (or at least part of them) felt more and more abandoned, betrayed... rejected. Called "leonizing users", told that "they should be ashamed of themselves as human beings"... most of them now lay broken, and any trust they had in what they were doing was lost in the continuous fighting. Some left, some adapted, some no longer care and still exist only by inertia, some started throwing insults at insults... "dirty people" they called the staff, "hope some of you finally lose their work so that someone better may take your place" they said... And The Perfect Circle continued.

We have now come to a point that (some) users actively "hate" the staff. And at the same time (some) staff members actively "hate" the users. We have come to a point where interacting with the "enemy" brings "panic attacks and nightmares" (as Sara said in her answer).

Look, I don't want to annoy you again with my thoughts on the various issues we had lately. Some of them, I already post my answers everywhere.... and for the others enough has already been said either way.

I would only like to point out what this last decision looks like to my tired eyes.

> Stack Overflow Employees have panic attacks and nightmares when they know they will need to post something to Meta. They are real human beings that are affected by the way people speak to them. This is outside of the CM team, who have been heroes and who I constantly see abused here.

> I can’t, with good conscience, force anyone to participate in a venue that causes that type of psychological damage at work. The CMs feel this is something that can be remedied, and I believe them. However, until then, I can’t sleep at night knowing that we are forcing people to participate here as part of their jobs.

> We're removing Hot on Meta as I don't want to send new people to a place where people have these experiences. Full stop.

You, we... have come to a pretty dark situation - even talking to each other is hard now, as our voices keep been overwhelmed by the cannon fire between the two armies.

And in this dark night, you took a decision.

You will no longer **discuss**. You will just **communicate**. In a final attempt to remove hurtful feedback, you just moved to a place where you will be sure that no other will be able to talk, no one will be able to oppose you, no other will be able to hurt you. Only your voice.

Look, again, I won't comment on how we got to be in this mess. I won't try to analyze the causes. I won't try to give out responsibilities. I won't try to hunt down witches.

I will just point out that in the humble eyes of this stupid and lame user that I am, closing yourself in your nice and comfy chestnut shell won't really solve any problem. Sure, you may not have to actually see them, but they will be still there, waiting for the shell to open.
Growing out of hand.
And then it will be too late.

I think it is time to ask us what we can do to regain the lost harmony. But the decision is yours.
Or we can just buy some Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses.

[![Enter image description here][1]][1]

**Edit:** A little clarification since Mark asked for it in a comment on this post - none of the phrases I put between quotation marks in this message are *verbatim - word by word* quotes that have been said by someone. The only exception is Sara's message (for which I used block quote markup instead) and that is just because my answer is basically just an answer to her post.  

I choose to avoid verbatim, word by word quotes and instead made up similar ones (with basically the same content but worded differently) because - as I hope the readers will understand - most of those words already caused a lot of fighting, flames and pain... there is no reason to start that AGAIN by posting names, links and screen now. Those are to be takes just as they are - samples of bad things we have been yelling at each other in the past.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/icHnI.jpg