I'm one of the maintainers for DartPad. I was really stoked to see this question, and I thought I'd respond with a little more info from our end. First, we'd love to see an integration like this. DartPad is intended to be a flexible learning tool that people can drop into their existing stuff. If the StackExchange folks want to use DartPad that way, it should work out of the box, and we'd be happy to help with any feature requests. I believe questions like this have come up before for other editors ([jsFiddle](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/358212/how-do-i-include-code-for-jsfiddle), for instance), and there's a concern about keeping the code on StackOverflow itself, so this site can be the source of truth. DartPad can theoretically load a snippet from any server that can serve it with proper CORS headers, so it's possible an approach that kept the source code in the post and added a link to open it in DartPad might be a more ideal solution. Also, it's possible to use DartPad's analysis and compilation backend on its own and build a completely new front-end just for SO. That's the strategy [CodePen.io][1] took when adding their new Flutter editor, and so far it's working out well. While I'm a regular SO user, I don't venture into `meta` very often, so if this should have been a comment rather than an answer, forgive me. I wanted to say something, though, since y'all were talking about one of my favorite projects. :) [1]: https://codepen.io