> I flagged this as not constructive, because it's not teaching anyone > anything. While the comment is rather snarky, it is teaching the question asker (or at least that's how I read the commenter's intent; see [Jeroen Vannevel's answer](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/276905/3920237) for context) that they should try to compile the code themselves before asking a question. It's not unusual to see "have you tried running the code yourself?" type of comments in questions that consist of a code dump and asks "will this code work?" If we take a look at [How does comment voting and flagging work?](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/17364/how-does-comment-voting-and-flagging-work) we see a brief explanation of what the various flagging reasons mean: > * rude or offensive — comments that violate the [“be nice” > rule](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/faq#etiquette) > > * not constructive / off-topic — comments are meant to help improve > the post they're on, and comments that do not contribute for that are > rife for deletion > > * obsolete — for example, criticism of a post that has been > satisfactorily addressed by the author > > * chatty — anything that's not really relevant (e.g. [“+1” > comments](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/15290/are-all-the-1-comments-really-necessary/15292#15292)) And the ["be nice" policy](https://stackoverflow.com/help/be-nice): > 1. **Rudeness and belittling language are not okay.** Your tone should match the way you'd talk in person with someone you respect and whom > you want to respect you. *If you don't have time to say something > politely, just leave it for someone who does.* So I would say that you should've flagged it as rude or offensive instead and left a more constructive comment.