OK. Since I have found the link to this place, and I think OS is a nice, useful place, I see now that I have to give some answers to the complains: 

1)	Funny case :). In post (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32806108/function-to-find-all-nsranges-for-a-string-in-string-in-swift/32810474?noredirect=1#comment53677043_32810474) I see my comment with "thank you" below my post, it looks like I thank myself :). Funny, it is because it was addressed for user **Leo Dabus**, for his comment that he posted the complete solution by using NSRegularExpression, which I did not wont to use and have wrote in comment that it will be useful for others. He simply deleted his comment, in result I thank myself :)

2)	In post (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32285412/how-to-find-all-positions-of-one-string-in-another-string-in-swift2) I posted question , I have got suggestions (not code) in wich direction I have to look for and I have got answers (code) to use NSRegularExpression, which is not choice for me. I have wrote purely my code and posted as answer. For this I have got minus likely from R Menke. OK, such reaction on such post is funny complain for incorrect usage of SO :). 

3)	Suggestion from R Menke were useful for me (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32890014/how-to-implement-finding-all-positions-of-one-string-in-another-string-at-the-ti), I have wrote "thank you" many times, voted up his post and accepted his answer as answer to my question even if it was not exact. He suggested to use NSViewController and not NSWindowController. I have checked this for NSWindowController and it was working, and whole discussion at the end I see now (what I did not know before as beginner) was not about even piece of code it was about usage of standard function in Cocoa. I have posted concise answer, which in my view is useful for many beginner.

4)  I have rated and accepted as answers to my questions all good answers from my point of view, not immediately but after a while, when I could understand the value of these answers.