You are welcome to post a first version of your answer as fast as you can, **provided it is already a correct and useful answer meeting our minimal standards**.

Regarding whether doing lots of edits is bad, there's a resounding no.  
Just make them count. I think that the fact we got rid of auto-CW is a fairly strong signal for that.

And yes, most if not all code-only answers, especially if short, will go through the VLQ-queue, exposing it to lots of negative attention.  
While most don't actually merit deletion, they are certainly borderline and most deserve a downvote and need an exhortation to the poster to improve at least slightly.  
Don't try to game that by adding fluff though (depending on the amount that dirty hack might not even work), add an actual explanation.

[ryanyuyu]( suggested coupling this comment with the "Looks Ok"-vote:

>While this code may answer the question, it would be better to include some context, explain how it works, and describe when to use it. Code-only answers are not useful in the long run.