> Should we close this? Mark it as duplicate? or keep it as it is?

 1. Flag the answer itself as NAA (Not an answer) if it only links elsewhere to give the answer.

    NAA is the correct choice here, as "Links to an answer" as described [here](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/265552/12139179) is one of the reasons a NAA flag should be raised.

     Quote from there:

     > If there's nothing in the answer itself to even hint at which direction we're being pointed in, it's not an answer and should be deleted.
     > In other words:
     >    > The answer can be found over here: <link>

 2. Vote to close the question as duplicate.
    If you got the [close/reopen privilege](https://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/close-questions) (Your rep. is equal to or greater than 3.0K), vote to close the question as duplicate of the of the question where the accepted answer linked to.

    If you don't have enough reputation you can still flag the question as a duplicate at which point it will enter the review queue for others to look at. If  you want to speed up the closing process, post a [tag:cls-pls] close request regarding the question in the [SOCVR chat room](https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570).

    If you are not so confident about voting to close this question as duplicate, you can also talk with others about the specific case there.

Beside that you can also leave a comment and downvote.