I usually don't come across a lot of forms on Stack Overflow. But today, when I clicked on the [**Contact Us** section in the Help Center][1], I came across this form:

[![Contact Us form in dark mode][2]][2]

Something looked off, I saw that big fat reCAPTCHA widget stand out as it still used the light theme. 

#### From the reCAPTCHA [documentation][3]:

[![reCAPTCHA Theme Variants][4]][4]

I'm not quite sure where else Stack Overflow uses reCAPTCHA, but was almost sure that I would find one on the [Sign Up][5] (sign out/use Incognito mode on Chrome to view the page) page. 
I think Stack Overflow is still working on the dark version of the landing and sign up page for anonymous users as I would argue that the default theme must be **System Setting** instead of **Light** for a seamless experience to new users.

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/contact
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/bMHdX.png
  [3]: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#can-i-customize-the-recaptcha-widget-or-badge
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/8BY8E.png
  [5]: https://stackoverflow.com/users/signup?ssrc=head&returnurl=%2Fusers%2Fstory%2Fcurrent