I was trying to search for an [answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37653385/perl-replace-ambiguous-letters-with-each-option/37663394#37663394) I gave some months ago. I recalled that it had the words `bless` and `recursion`, so I tried enter the following in the search box: [`user:2173773 is:answer bless recursion`](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A2173773+is%3Aanswer+bless+recursion). Unfortunately, this gave [zero results](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A2173773+is%3Aanswer+bless+recursion). However, if I searched for [`user:2173773 is:answer bless`](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A2173773+is%3Aanswer+bless) it found the post, and also if I searched for [`user:2173773 is:answer recursion`](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A2173773+is%3Aanswer+recursion) it found it. So, yes I found the post I was looking for, but the question is if it is possible to combine terms (like in this case `bless` and `recursion`) to narrow down the list of results?