I'm using Stack Overflow to get stuff done.

*(not when looking for entertainment)*

The **Hot Network Questions** is interesting, entertaining, but it doesn't get me closer to get stuff done.

That is why in every browser I have ad-blocker installed, and I add a custom rule to block ```#hot-network-questions```.

Would you consider adding option to disable **Hot Network Questions** somewhere in profile settings?

You can it *no distraction mode*... You can also search for ```google pacman cost``` to see what I mean :)

*(No distractions, getting stuff done, currently using adblocker, please consider adding option in the UI)*



Other people requesting the same:

* https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/284350/can-we-have-an-adhd-stackoverflow-version
* http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/222721/how-to-avoid-hot-network-questions-on-the-sidebar/223603

Approximately ```1/3``` of community upvotes such proposals. For now I'm just installing ad-blocker specifically for that reason :)