Given that it seems to be "airing of grievances" season on Meta right now... My impression over the past 4-5 years or so has been that the core Q&A engine has certainly seen a lot of small improvements, but no major overhauls to address some of the persistent pain points - the handling of duplicates, for example, or the increasing difficulty for experts to discover challenging and interesting questions on Stack Overflow. This was certainly not for a lack of suggestions and ideas from the community. Some have asserted that SO is too interested in developing new products (not all beloved by everyone) at the expense of caring for the core engine. Now that may be an unfair criticism, but looking from the outside in, it certainly *looks* that way sometimes. Does SO, Inc. believe that the system is largely fine as it is, and incremental improvements are all that is needed? That's not necessarily an unreasonable view to take, mind. It looks like the place is generating enough money to keep the lights on - and keeping up the status quo is a valid proposition when you have 200+ mouths and investors to feed. (Although some, of course, would say that way lies certain eventual death.) Or does it believe major changes to the core Q&A system are needed? If yes - care to share? Is there a roadmap? If there *is* any activity around these areas that we (or I) just don't know about - even if it's just *thinking* about the problems SO has - can you make it more public? Is there any point for the community to work out radical suggestions around core Q&A that go beyond cosmetics? Or is this a waste of time, and any major ideas should be left to the product team to develop and the community to critique once they are rolled out? Because that's what it looks like to this former long-time contributor - although it's perhaps for the best really: after all, we all have plenty of things to take care of ourselves. It's still a bit sad, though. [1]: [2]: [3]: