# Observations/Retag Guidance:

There are various "tracking"-related tags that could be used instead, when retagging questions that are otherwise on-topic:

- [tag:audiotrack] AudioTrack class in standard Android API for playing back raw Audio.
- [tag:audio] for questions about audio tracks
- [tag:html5-audio], [tag:html5-video] for questions about `track` element in HTML 5 Audio and Video.
- [tag:bug-tracking], [tag:issue-tracking] for general bug tracking questions that aren't specific to a given tool.
- [tag:trac] for questions about Trac bug-tracking tool.
- [tag:geolocation] for questions about assessing the location (e.g. GPS).
- [tag:click-tracking] (no wiki)
- [tag:conversion-tracking] (no wiki)
- [tag:user-tracking] (no wiki)
- [tag:event-tracking] used to collect data about interactions with your content (Google Analytics specific only)
- [tag:eye-tracking] Is the specific task of detecting and tracking eyes over frames captured from a camera or video.
- [tag:pitch-tracking] the process of finding the dominant frequency of an audio signal
- [tag:time-tracking] (No wiki)
- [tag:video-tracking]  Tracking a moving object or feature (e.g. a face) in video input.
- [tag:motion-detection] detection of motion related to programming issues, like computer vision, sensor control, etc. 
- [tag:trace] for questions about execution of a process or method. 
- *…edit to add more*


# Progress:

The [tag:track] tag is in the process of being burninated. You can help out by reviewing the questions with this tag, and...

- **editing** questions (to improve the question *and* remove the tag),
- **flagging/closing** questions that are duplicates/off-topic/unclear/too broad/opinion-based,
- filtering on this tag in the [Close Vote Queue](https://stackoverflow.com/review/close/?filter-tags=track),
- **voting** on questions with this tag,
- voting to **delete** the questions with this tag (after they have been closed, and only if the entire Q&A contains nothing of value). However, keep in mind that at the end of the burnination process all closed questions containing this tag will be deleted automatically. Thus, there's rarely a need to vote to delete these questions.

Here are some quick links to get you started:

- [Open](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Btrack%5D+closed%3Ano)
- [Closed](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Btrack%5D+closed%3Ayes)
- [Unanswered](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Btrack%5D+answers%3A0+closed%3Ano)
- [No Accepted Answer](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Btrack%5D+hasaccepted%3A0+closed%3Ano)

# Remember that burnination is a *clean-up* effort!

### Salvage whatever possible by editing and re-tagging.

We don't want to destroy value, so salvaging a post should be your first priority. If a question can be saved, please edit it. Your edit should improve *all* problems with the question *and* remove the [tag:tag] tag, possibly replacing it with another tag, as described above in "Observations/Retag Guidance".

### Unsalvageable questions should just be flagged/closed. They don't need to be retagged.

If the question is not appropriate for this site, then don't worry about removing the [tag:track] tag—just flag/close the question it is attached to.

At the end of the burnination process, all questions that still remain with the [tag:track] tag should have been closed. These will be mass-deleted, which will remove the tag from the system automatically, with minimal disruption.

### Ask for help if you need it.

If you have any questions about specific questions you come across, or the process in general, please feel free to leave a comment on this post. You can also drop into the [SOCVR chat room](https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570/so-close-vote-reviewers) for real-time advice and discussion.