Since we are suggesting possible userscripts for this, I figured I would offer one as well. In addition, this uses the CMOS style for online attribution. For those not aware, almost every aspect of writing is covered in the [Chicago Manual of Style]( - it is a great resource. 

In my opinion, the closest official citation structure for Stack Overflow is the blog style (

 > 1. Jack, February 25, 2010 (7:03 p.m.), comment on Richard Posner, “Double Exports in Five Years?,” The Becker-Posner Blog, February 21, 2010,

In the example post you list, this format would look like

 > Chris Lutz, February 10th, 2016, answer on robjb, "Faster approach to checking for an all-zero buffer in C?", Stack Overflow, Sep 29 '09,

In order to accomplish this structure, everything already exists on the page. Also note that the issue of vagueness from the link is gone because the title of the question is included in the design.

This could be included using an existing framework in a link like this

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

And the popup for existing "share" could also be used

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

**Explanation (not for the feint of heart)**

We will be inserting a <kdb>cite</kbd> link in between every share and edit link on every answer. The cite link will open the same dialog that share opens. The text for copying will be the formatted CMOS citation. The dialog will behave the same as the share dialog.

**Same dialog**

This part is easy, simply copied the html for the dialog. Placed it into a template pattern. Done. You can see this in the `citeDialogFactory` object.

**Same behavior**

Okay, so let's set out doing that in a non hackish way. The first thing is to use the existing Stack Exchange constructs for their menus. [`...`] Processing complete, located their menu code. The piece we need is the menu removal process, and that is seen below in the variable named `closeHandler`.

**Every answer has a link**

This part is pretty easy. Took the code for the share link, modified it for the cite link, made another template factory for it, and then added one in between each share and edit link.

**End Result**

Package this on your own, or download a free extension of this exact code and nothing else for chrome here:

The code.


	    var closeHandler = function(t, n) {
		    if (t) {
			    var i = $(t).filter(":not(.popup-stack-hidden)");
			    if (!i.length) return;
			    i.each(function(e, t) {
				    var n = $(t),
				    	a ="_popup"),
				    	r ="_lightbox");
				    a && (i = i.add(a)), r && (i = i.add(r))
			    }), i = $($.unique(i.get())), i = i.not(".popup-closing").addClass("popup-closing");
		    	var a = {
			    		"closeTrigger": n
				    r = $.Event("popupClosing", a);
		        if (i.trigger(r), r.isDefaultPrevented()) return i.removeClass("popup-closing"), void 0;
			    i = i.not(".popup-closed").addClass("popup-closed"), i.filter(":not(.esc-hide)").fadeOutAndRemove(), i.filter(".esc-hide").fadeOut(function() {
			    }), i.trigger("popupClose", a)

	    var citeDialogFactory = new function(){
	    	var template = $('<div class="share-tip cite-tip">cite this answer<input type="text" style="display:block; width:292px;" value=""><div id="share-icons"></div><a class="close-share-tip" style="float:right">close</a></div>');
		    this.Create = function(answer){
			    var dialog = template.clone();
			    var username = $(answer).closest('.answercell').find('.user-details a:first').text();
			    var today = new Date().toDateString();
			    var asker = $('.user-details a','.post-signature.owner').text();
			    var title = $("#question-header").text().trim();
			    var askdate = $('.user-action-time span:first','.post-signature.owner').text();
			    var answerlink = $(answer).closest('.answercell').find('.short-link:first')[0].href;
			    var citestr = [username,today,asker,'"'+title+'"',askdate,answerlink].join(', ');
			    $('.close-share-tip',dialog).click(function(){ closeHandler('.cite-tip'); });
			    return dialog;
	    var citeLinkFactory = new function(){
		    var template = $('<a title="citation for this answer" class="cite-link">cite</a><span class="lsep">|</span>');
		    this.Create = function(){
			    var link = template.clone();{
			    	var dialog = citeDialogFactory.Create(link);
		    	return link;
