Do not change the question's title while it is being burninated. No puns!
If you ignore this note, it will be considered abuse and handled accordingly.-->

*This tag is in phase 4 of the burnination process described [here](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/324070/what-is-the-process-for-tag-removal-burnination). In other words, the tag is in the process of being burninated. Please see the answer below to keep track of progress*



> This should redirect to [tag:r-factor].
> `level` is an `R` command used for factor variables.

However, [this][2] shows that around 90% of the questions are not in fact R related, but concern a wide variety of unconnected topics, as illustrated by 8 of the 10 most recent questions:

* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41100868/java-taking-too-long-to-render-tiles-from-a-png-image
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40812320/hibernate-how-do-i-verify-for-second-level-cache-usage
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40706928/issue-with-api-levels-in-gradle-build
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40213905/android-how-to-create-level-in-dynamic-grid-view
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40134781/how-to-change-default-checkbox
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40102769/simple-counting-program-issue
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40044880/call-requires-api-level-21-current-min-is-17-android-hardware-camera2-camerad
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39792905/level-curves-with-pyqtgraph-isocurve

From the [criteria][3]:

* *Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?* - No, clearly not, it's more often applied to questions other than those for which the tag is meant to be used, and there is little commonality in that usage.

* *Is the concept described even on-topic for the site?* - Clearly [tag:R-factor] is on-topic, but [tag:level] itself means little to nothing. I know little of R, but I suspect an R user would use [tag:R-factor] if they found [tag:level] didn't exist. Views?

* *Does the tag add any meaningful information to the post?* - Not in most cases, as no one would search for [tag:level] questions (save for the R usage, and then they could search for [tag:R-factor] as searching for [tag:level] now is pretty unhelpful). It has 13 followers.

* *Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?* - No, clearly not

If there's already an [tag:r-factor] tag, a reasonable heuristic would be to retag all those already tagged [tag:r] and [tag:level] to be [tag:r] and [tag:r-factor], and remove [tag:level] from the rest.

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/level/info
  [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/level
  [3]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239190/when-to-burninate/239191#239191