My favorite suggestion for how to ask a question comes from [create-react-app](

> Please note that your issue will be fixed much faster if you spend about half an hour preparing it, including the exact reproduction steps and a demo.

I would modify it for Stack Overflow:

> Please note that most good questions take about half an hour to prepare, including the exact reproduction steps and a demo.

People don't realize this but it's super important.  Asking a question is like writing an email to your boss.  You should proof-read it and make sure that it's coherent and well-written.

My favorite demonstration of what a good question actually looks like comes from [Wikipedia's guide](  Here's the tl;dr:

**Unclear Question:**
> I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. I am reading in the names but they come out wrong. Is there a solution?

**Explaining the Goal:**
> I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. **The program should read in a list of names, and then print them in alphabetical order.** I am reading in the names but they come out wrong. Is there a solution?

**Describing the Problem:**
> I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. The program should read in a list of names, and then print them in alphabetical order. I am reading in the names but they come out in the wrong order. **In fact, they come out in same order that they started in!** Is there a solution?

**Including an example:**
> I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. The program should read in a list of names, and then print them in alphabetical order. I am reading in the names but they come out in the wrong order. In fact, they come out in same order that they started in! **I have posted my code below.** Is there a solution?

>     #!/usr/bin/perl
>     # Read the names into the @people array
>     while (<>)
>     {
>       push @people, $_;
>     }
>     # Now sort the names
>     sort @people;
>     # Now print them out
>     foreach $person (@people)
>     {
>         print $person;
>     }