[Quite a few users][1], including myself, have been frustrated in attempts to edit/correct SO code that doesn't even compile. I understand [that bad code in questions is expected][2] ... but when the accepted answer doesn't compile, that is not good. The six character minimum (for users under 2k reputation) combined with overly rigorous reviewing of these 'small' edits, means that these errors stay on SO until the author of the post reads the comment and gets back to fix the code error. *Maybe never !* To resolve the problem a policy of allowing single character edits IN CODE BLOCK *only* with a feature where the editor's must comment on the severity of the code error. Reviewers could then decide whether the code block edit is worthwhile ... and the six character minimum would remain for sections out side of code block. Vast majority of SO users have under 2k reputation and are putting the code they find to use ... and debugging the code. Code, that due to the way it's presented on SO, could not be checked by a compiler alone. So it seems a shame to stifle that error checking / quality improvement of code where those errors really undermine what is at the heart of what SO ... community access to good code! [1]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/252249/what-is-wrong-with-minor-edits/253651?noredirect=1#comment301435_253651 [2]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/265742/edit-rejected-when-trying-to-make-code-compile?rq=1