Well, let's see... [You failed this one](https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/7825622) most recently. A few days prior, you [failed this one](https://stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/7787025) *right after* coming off a 30-day review suspension for [failing *this* one](https://stackoverflow.com/review/triage/7426098)...

...I could go on listing the audits you've failed, but I think you get the point: you've failed a **lot** more than one. In fact, you've been banned from review a total of 8 times at this point.

I think you should probably stop reviewing *period*; it's not for everyone, and in this case it's not for you.

But, if you *do* want to try again after your current suspension is up, **please pay more attention.** These audits are not difficult; they're blatant spam and nonsense. If you're failing them even *once*, you're clearly not even reading the post you're reviewing, much less thinking about the action you're selecting. Reviewing so carelessly hurts everyone; each post you click through without reading puts more responsibility on others to get it right. If you can't review well, then *please* don't review at all.