The main problem I see here is that downvotes are taken so damn personal. A downvote does not mean *"you are a bad person and you should feel bad, go die in a corner"*. But that's how they're often understood. Try to see SE as a collaboratively edited knowledge base. New entries are created on an as-needed basis by actual users having actual problems, and they're collectively solved and answered and preserved for posterity. Upvotes and downvotes are used as an indicator for how useful overall a certain "article" is in the grand scheme of things in the context of a knowledge base. See it from the perspective of a future visitor who has a specific problem and is using the search feature to look for articles that may help them (a feature which is sorely underused by "newbs" by the way). What that user wants is the most useful article which is both not too specific to somebody else's code but fits their problem perfectly. They do not want to sift through a ton of vague single-sentence questions with code walls to figure out whether that particular article fits their problem or not. But that's what most downvoted questions are: they're either too specific or too vague or too long to comprehend or have some other criterium which makes them unsuitable to be a highly visible knowledge base article. *That's* what votes are for, to unclog the system from the regular stream of low-quality input that makes it less usable as a global reference. They are not there to insult anyone. If your question got downvoted, you should try to reevaluate it from the POV described above and improve it yourself. Don't expect others to jump in and do it for you, that's simply unrealistic and impractical. The problem is that 1. new users who do not understand this perspective think SE is a "forum" for free speech 2. downvotes are taken much more personal than they ought to be and as a "veto" against their "right to free speech" or whatever other negative feelings they may invoke That's why upvotes create "reputation" which builds "trust" in you by **the system**. Reputation first and foremost means that you know how the system is supposed to work. That means you understand what the purpose of the system is and act accordingly to keep it working that way. That is by design. Users with a low reputation simply aren't trusted to take good care of this *knowledge base*, users with a high reputation are. It doesn't say anything about you as a person.