I see several users on Stack Overflow answering questions very quickly, and sometimes also very badly. In one example, the answers are generally quasi code-only, and not very precise. I already tried to comment for asking this user to improve/explain his answers, but I never had a response. Anyway, when they notice they get voted down, they remove their answer. In my opinion, it is a bit **easy** to be able to answer badly and delete only when the answer is badly received (downvoted), and I do not think this is what the site endorses. The problem is that **his strategy pays off**: sometimes the answers are badly perceived and immediately deleted, sometimes they solve (or partially) the problem and receive free upvotes. I'm here asking for advice. **How should I react against this type of user?** I already downvote bad answers (and it is a reputation-suicide given the number of responses), but I think **the problem is more about the user mentality than his answers**.