Looking at the [New navigation for Stack Overflow is in alpha testing](http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/256814/233367) I have enabled this option and I did a quick go through. When I navigated to `popular` tab following URL is redirected with `pagesize` as `15` in its queryParameter. http://stackoverflow.com/?tab=popular&page=1&pagesize=15 However the number of results is more than 15. When I change the size to `30` and `50`, the page is getting refreshed however the results is more than the `pagesize`. See the attached screenshot: ![enter image description here][1] Similarly when I navigate from [`popular`][2] to `new` the redirect url is http://stackoverflow.com/?page=1&pageSize=15. But `new` tab has no pagination initially. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/KkZNQ.png [2]: http://stackoverflow.com/?page=1&pageSize=15