Audio notifications would be:

+ Useless for anyone without speakers (not uncommon in office environments).
+ Useless for deaf users.
+ Annoying for me personally (Note: This is obviously the most important reason).

However, the general idea of being notified about new badges/messages/etc. is something that I wholeheartedly agree with, so I would suggest expanding your idea as follows:

+ Allow (optional) audio notifications.
+ Allow (optional) desktop "toast" notifications.
+ Change the icon/title text of any Stack Overflow browser tabs to indicate that something has changed since you last looked at it.

Note the word "optional" here; users who hate these features would be able to turn them off, so hopefully everyone would be happy.

Disclaimer: I stole most (if not all) of these ideas from the [HipChat]( web client. In my defence, they're good ideas, and worth stealing.