**TL;DR**: the ideas that you propose seem amazing for a new site that learns from Stack Overflow's mistakes, and they sound a lot like what I have been preaching for Codidact. But I **don't think they are feasible for Stack Overflow as it stands today**. Even if we could snap our fingers and get everyone instantly on board with this new way of doing things, the *existing questions* would represent an enormous workload (and until properly processed, they would stick out like a sore thumb, and make it harder to recognize the good new work being done). > but it gets rather picky about what it's willing to answer: only "practical, detailed questions" that "have not been asked before" are welcome. Well, not quite: while generally we don't want to accept answers on duplicates (questions that have been asked before), because that makes a mess, we're happy to receive a duplicate version of a question **that helps people to find the original**. Once the question has been recognized and closed as a duplicate, different standards come into play for deciding whether to delete the question, and for voting on it. > While for a user, a Q&A site is generally seen as a place to turn in times of need, regardless of the nature or magnitude of the problem. A place where they are a matter of some importance, not just a building material for a great library. **This is the fundamental mismatch, yes. No, I won't accept** solutions that entail prioritizing "helping people in need" over building the library, because building the library is why the site exists. If we wanted to end up somewhere different, we needed to design for that explicitly, years ago (think 2011 at the latest). There are countless other sites where that kind of "help desk" model is either already implemented, or easily can be. To justify including it here - even with the kind of cleanup process you describe - requires some reason why we add value vs. other sites. (Of course, it also requires raw answering resources; but I think we agree there is no shortage there.) > Only adding new answers will earn you a decent amount of Internet points, while updating an existing answer will bring you none. Agreed. This is a network-wide issue and [I have written about it at that level before](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/387356/the-stack-exchange-reputation-system-whats-working-whats-not/387550#387550). > But if you open a random popular question, it looks exactly like a forum thread, with dozens (if not hundreds) of replies, some of them even arguing with each other. I hope you have also noticed that: 1) The material for this question is actually pretty easy, and it's a reasonable question that a beginner **needs to understand the answer to, even if** a beginner could not be expected to *phrase* the question that way. 2) The reason it's contentious is because it's trying to fit very old terminology onto a modern language that wasn't designed for it. (In the past, it was more or less taken for granted that *the variable itself* has value semantics, so the consequences of call-by-value and call-by-reference are much more readily apparent. Also in the past, doing call-by-reference by default was seriously considered as a reasonable design; nowadays, while variables may have reference semantics, practically everything is call-by-value and if call-by-reference is supported at all it must be explicitly requested.) > *Most of the questions currently asked on Stack Overflow are off topic.* Well, no. Most of them are *close-worthy*, but we don't generally say that duplicates, questions that lack debugging details or are unfocused, etc. are "off topic". Sometimes people really do ask questions that aren't related to programming, and are straightforwardly outside the scope of Stack Overflow. But that isn't the most common reason for closing questions, not by a long shot. > since after all these years, 90% of new questions are inevitably duplicates, more or less. This obviously isn't the problem, since it can't be avoided... > And we don't see all of them closed on the spot just because it takes a considerable effort to find the right duplicate This *is* the problem. So it's **hard to appreciate the desire to accommodate the search for a help desk** - even a temporary one that gets cleaned up afterward. The time spent on those questions is time that could be spent behind the scenes on real curation work: * Identifying patterns in what beginners tend to ask about * Obsessively looking for the best versions of those questions, and figuring out if they need to be asked fresh by an expert (in order to have an acceptable version of it) * Going through search results (both on-site and external) to *look for bad results that come up, and clean up those questions* (by linking them to a canonical, or by closing/deleting them if they are that bad and were overlooked before, or by fixing their titles so they don't come up in the wrong searches, or so they *do* come up in the *right* searches...) * Editing the target questions to meet current standards (fix grammar etc. even if nobody cared at the time; remove noise; organize the question to lay out the problem clearly; [fix examples](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/422798) where [appropriate](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/421310), [add cross-references](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/419863) etc. * Raising awareness of such canonicals after promoting them, using the chat rooms or off-site resources, so that others can help close duplicates And yes, you will still need people to cast the proposed "no community value" flags. And as much as I *generally* agree that questions that aren't close-worthy or delete-worthy also shouldn't end up with downvotes, we really need that mechanism to help clean up old existing stuff. So **simply trying to create a separate tier of questions is more work than you think**. > Even after making it hard for newbies, the Library is still not that great. Well, yes. It took years to "make it hard for newbies", then it took years more to make it hard *in the right way*, which involved a lot of bickering back and forth about how to treat people nicely and avoid PR disasters (and still have quality control). I have an entire catalog of saved questions on Meta that I bet you would find fascinating, and it's mostly related to this topic. The thing is, fixing the library requires attention to the existing questions. **Even if we stopped getting any new questions at all immediately, it would still be an enormous task**. I can't emphasize this enough. Stack Overflow has about three times as many open questions, as Wikipedia has articles. And the scope for Stack Overflow is "things to do with writing code", while the scope for Wikipedia is "literally anything, as long as it's 'notable' and discussed in 'reliable sources'". If we accept that the goal is quality and organization, we can be certain that the quantity is **way** too high. > But after I posted the link on Reddit Of course, this is a rather tight-knit community, and we would prefer not to have that kind of interference. (It's hard to get accurate numbers for a fair comparison; but we can safely say that it takes Reddit mere months to create an entire new Stack Overflow worth of volume.) And of course, people will be unhappy about this, because you also posted an answer for that question, so that looks like a clear conflict of interest. But as you can probably see from [my answer on the other Meta question](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/426317), I think the Redditors were basically right this time. When it comes to editing Stack Overflow, there is a case for progressivism, and I'm always happy to make it. There is also a case for conservatism, and I think Lundin makes it better than I can, but I do try to include it for fairness. > Any question that survives the "community value" screen, has to be heavily edited I love the optimism here. > Many questions simply cannot be answered without a discussion. A lot of the time, a discussion is needed *in order to understand the exact parameters of the question*. Some OPs, for example, appear willing to do the needed debugging/MRE-creating work, but they don't have the experience to know what kind of information is missing, while the others looking at the question don't have the setup needed to create that information. Similarly, sometimes having a discussion with a beginner - in order to figure out *why the beginner does not understand* some simple concept - can be very helpful in figuring out good canonical questions. If an expert has this experience a few times, it can become clear that beginners commonly fall into *the same* wrong thought pattern - and that can become the basis for [an artificially crafted canonical](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/426205/). However, it is **still not intended** for Stack Exchange to function as any kind of tutoring platform. Those kinds of discussion really need full-featured comments and live updates, and they greatly benefit from the ability to thread comments. Site software like Reddit's is far more suitable for that.