I'm trying to understand a recent act of moderation and how to learn from it how to be a better user. 

2 years ago I answered this question: [Ensure a new line at the EOF when saving a file in Textmate 2](https://stackoverflow.com/q/42679033/1167956) [(cached)](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pnTBsFVCq5AJ:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42679033/ensure-a-new-line-at-the-eof-when-saving-a-file-in-textmate-2+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

In the past several days two users and a moderator voted to close the question as "off-topic". My answer got 2 chastising comments. All in what seems a very short timeline. 

 - Did something change here that would have highlighted this question to moderators? 
 - Do you see any reason to suspect foul play? 
 - Looking at the question; do you agree with it's deletion and the given reasoning?

I understand I could request reopening the question, but it's not clear to me that that's right either.

*About closing the question:*

This closure implies to me that "on topic" questions must be about code. Which in turn implies that all questions about editor configuration are off-topic. Is that so?

According to my research; ["on topic" is partially defined as](https://stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic) 

> software tools commonly used by programmers; and is
> a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development

[And this issue gets discussed regularly](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/169933/is-asking-for-programming-tool-recommendations-on-topic-on-stack-overflow)

Both links make me question the decision to close as off topic.

*About the comments on my answer:*

These comments agreed that the answer was poor because it is only a link. I was not as rigorous in answering as I would be today, and I generally agree with their point. Yet, this has been bothering me for the following reasons:

To provided more details than the link to the bundle seems "off  topic" in this case. I'd liken it to providing source code for a togglable setting in the app's GUI. 

I could have suggested how to install the bundle, but that must be off topic.

I could have explained the code in the bundle, but that too must be off topic.

The bundle is very small. Any more explanation on the code in the bundle and I would have been recreating the bundle in my answer. To do so would have been answering a very different question and so, too, would have been off topic.

Were I able to answer in a way that satisfies the "not only a link" rule, would that warrant undeleting the question? What would that answer look like?