A quick skim through some of those newer answers and I can already see some that are really just confirmations of the older ones rather than being answers in their own right, like [this one](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9065598/if-a-folder-does-not-exist-create-it/27979608#27979608) which basically says "Yeah that's all you really need".

Feel free to flag late answers that simply duplicate really old ones without adding any value; just make sure you explain this thoroughly and provide a link to the original answer so that it's easy to get to. Some of these answers, as I mentioned, don't actually serve as answers, so they really do nothing but clutter the question unnecessarily and should be removed. However, although these are non-answers, flagging as "not an answer" is not recommended unless they very obviously say "this worked for me thanks" or something along those lines. Use the "other (needs ♦ moderator attention)" flag option instead and describe it as above.

Keep in mind that just because an answer duplicates another doesn't always mean it doesn't add any value; for example, there can be more than one way to explain the same concept or even the same line(s) of code. On the other hand, we really don't need people bumping the same question with the same "use this [code]" answer every few months when that same code has already been sitting at the top of the answer list the whole time.