StackOverflow helped me **a lot**. Let me elaborate on this: currently, according to my upvotes, it helped me exactly **3,630** times *a lot*. Imagine that, learning 2.5 new useful things on average each day for four years now. And all that for free. Pro bono. Only upvote and (optionally) a kind word required. **Priceless!**

Also, more specifically, it helped me **133** times when I asked my own question (surprisingly, only [4 of them remained unanswered]( so far).

My experience with StackOverflow was very positive from the start (something I'll elaborate a bit more below) - it was my first few weeks on a "test period" for a new job and I couldn't solve one thing. They said it would be tricky and I sort of hoped that if I get it done quickly I'll get some recognition. I did my fair share of googling and looking around the site (I knew about SO at that time already, but just haven't asked any questions yet) and since I didn't find any related question I finally decided to post. Not surprisingly, I got the answer in a matter of minutes. Sure enough, I did get permanently employed after that (and few other small tasks that I had to do on top of that).

See, I would like to emphasize on a way that I asked my first question, by repeating that I've googled quite a lot and searched through existing SO questions. Now, we who are around here a bit longer know what started to happen. New users started to come and, well, the quality of questions was not on a given level. And, that's why it hurts me to see quite a lot of people shitting on StackOverflow (yeah, we know who they are - simple google search will turn out quite a few posts), but if we would just be honest and acknowledge the fact that it somehow seems that these days everyone wants something "out of the box - give me the codez plz", without ever doing the research them self. What's the learning value in that, I honestly don't know.

Anyways, fast forward 4 years, I'm still loving it. Somewhere along the lines of using StackOverflow daily, I've grown as a developer and turned from the one who asks questions to someone who tends to contribute back to this wonderful community by giving answers. And, just yesterday I've "set the record straight" and leveled the number of my questions with the number of my answers. In the future I hope to help even more.

As for other opportunities StackOverflow provided me, I can only say countless. I don't have a huge rep, but nevertheless I've gotten into an invite only programming site thanks to my SO profile. Also, I've gotten few requests to write a book, be a technical reviewer, and I get a lot of clicks from SO to [my blog]( It seems a bit cocky to say, but people do tend to look at you differently when you say you have a somewhat fairly large amount of rep on SO. For me, it's some kind of a badge of honor, to be honest :)

All in all - **thank you StackOverflow**.