I mostly agree [with dmckee][1], but it doesn't appear that anyone here has directly answered the question you asked... Something I've noticed in myself over the years is a tendency toward scanning new questions looking for common anti-patterns. New users tend to make the same mistakes again and again, and after a while you start to just expect them. At first glance, this question appears to fall into the same boat as countless previous questions of... mixed value: - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/146159/is-fortran-faster-than-c - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6052578/why-is-c-sharp-faster-than-ruby - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3252568/why-is-python-faster-than-ruby - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11251054/is-jython-faster-than-python - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2704417/why-is-go-language-so-slow - [Why did java have the reputation of being slow?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2163411/why-did-java-have-the-reputation-of-being-slow) - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138361/how-much-faster-is-c-than-c - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2529852/why-do-people-say-that-ruby-is-slow ...you get the idea. Sometimes these sorts of questions get decent answers; sometimes, they're asked in good faith. Often, they get a lot of attention simply because they're the programmer equivalent of "the Raiders are better than the Broncos, amirite?" So I strongly suspect that folks read the question you're referencing and thought, "great, another excuse for a language pissing contest - nope." Not because it *couldn't* be answered well. Because it probably *wouldn't* be answered well. In all honesty, if you or someone else wanted to write a really comprehensive answer to a question like that, it might do a lot of good just to have it out there, if nothing else as something to point to the next time one of these questions comes up rather than launching into a debate over language idioms. [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/265941/why-do-people-assume-that-if-they-dont-understand-a-subject-it-must-be-subject/265981#265981