I agree with the question being closed, and don't understand why you failed that audit

As [Taplar's comment](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/401671/failed-audit-on-question-which-doesnt-seem-programming-related#comment799511_401671) says,

>  They are asking how it can be disabled. That could potentialy be done with a userscript. Userscripts are programming related.

Sure, that is technically programming related, but in their question they aren't mentioning anything about a user script. In this case, since they haven't done any research and haven't tried anything, I would probably flag <sub>or close for 3k</sub> as Needs Details or Clarity. 

And anyways, things that can be done with programming aren't always on topic, as [Nick suggested](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/401671/failed-audit-on-question-which-doesnt-seem-programming-related#comment799514_401671).

In any case, I don't understand why you failed the review audit, unless you selected a different close reason than the one on the post currently. 


[Never Mind](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/401671/failed-audit-on-question-which-doesnt-seem-programming-related/401678?noredirect=1#comment799541_401678), as Alexei Levenkov said the question was closed _after_ the audit. So it does make sense that you failed the audit, but doesn't make sense why the question stayed open.