- ##There's luck involved

 Questions aren't all given the same amount of attention - the number of people who sees a question, and whether those people would or can vote to close, is somewhat random - questions can slip through the cracks.

- ##Judging a question is subjective and inconsistent

 Everyone doesn't agree on how every question should be treated, so the treatment of a question will vary based on who's online and sees the question around the time of asking.

 Beyond that, any given user may think one question is more appropriate than a very similar question based on subtle differences that could be hard to define and may not even be related to quality, not to mention that it could be affected by their own mood.

 We can't tell you why any given set of users didn't close a question (but we can tell you whether closing or not closing a question was "right", by current standards).

- ##There were less rules, and we were less strict, in the past

 As the site has grown, and we were figuring out what does and does not work, the rules have changed.

 I wouldn't be able to tell you whether the rules applicable to this specific question changed since it was asked, but it's always a possibility to keep in mind when it comes to questions that are a few years old (although this should not affect whether or not we vote to close it today - all questions, old and new, are subject to today's rules).

 We may also have been a bit more lenient in the past, when there were fewer questions to deal with.

So you should take the fact that any given question is not closed with a pinch of salt, especially if it's an old question.