I think it's worth remembering that, the whole concept of "FAQs" or indeed **any other supposed division of information**, ie,

completely and utterly useless and 20 years out of date.

The universe runs on google search: that's all there is to it. Say you need to know the address of the Pensione Rivazza hotel, or perhaps the syntax of the List<T> add command.

Here's how the universe now works:

Since google search is absolutely everywhere (it's in voice, text, it's on my refrigerator, it's included as you type in every thing, everywhere, you type in, etc...)

Step 1: Start typing the characters "Pensione Rivaz..." or "List add..."

Step 2: There's no step two, you now have all the universe's information on that topic , presented in front of you -- useful documentation sources, critical commentary on same, important topical issues, known hot problems, fascinating historical aspects, and so on. All presented in an amazing concordance.

**The overwhelming point is, the original categorisation of the different info sources ... "this! is a faq!"  "it's my! blog!" "we write doco! at google!" and so on ... is of no interest whatsoever and means: nothing.**

Note that I explained the same thing here:


So if you set up a "faq": nobody cares.

When I start typing "c++ whatever sytnax...", google will give me all the info.  Whether it appears on your personal blog, some doco site somewhere, or a page labelled "faq", or whatever.

By the way, notice in the above example, I deliberately mispelled / confused the name of the hotel.  But you'll instantly find out everything about it, regardless.  Every review (professional! faq! pro-sumption! whatever), the weather the cultural conditions, the upcoming date of the famous event in the city in question, video snips from well-known action franchises set there, etc etc etc etc etc.

**From about 2005 onwards, it is completely quixotic - more plainly, "utterly pointless" - to worry about categorisations like faqs.**

It's like the old-fashioned panic on SO about comments! questions! answers! etc.  Nobody cares.  When you type in the topic in question, the internet (call it "google search" - whatever) gives you the sum of known knowledge on it.