I happily upvoted this because I believe that folks answering obvious, blatant duplicates do not deserve reputation. But [this comment](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/316564/remove-the-incentive-for-fgitw-to-answer-well-known-dupes#comment305914_316564) ruined my day:
> if this was ever implemented... you'd end up with a lot less people voting to close duplicates (because then people would lose some rep!) or even reopening clear duplicates that they've answered and had upvoted. This could easily backfire to the point that less duplicates end up (and stay) actually closed

Per what I [observed in the past](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/316564/remove-the-incentive-for-fgitw-to-answer-well-known-dupes#comment305986_316564 "'remember a Black Weekend at MSO in 2012 that forced SE team implement trick with Reputation and Historical Archives?'") this is most likely what will happen. Unfortunately.


What would be interesting to try instead of such an appealing but probably unrealistic measure is **showing a modal popup to the answerer if the question is voted / flagged as duplicate**.

With the link (or better yet, full text) of possible duplicate and a message like: _There is possible duplicate here, please make sure that you don't repeat already existing answers_.

This would serve several goals:

* For _responsible_ answerers, such an explicit warning would help to make better informed decision, whether to abstain of answering or even support a duplicate with their own flag / vote, or do the opposite, that is answer and challenge duplicate suggestion if they believe it's wrong.

* It will prevent complaints like "why am I downvoted, I simply didn't notice _possible duplicate_ comment when answering".

* The last but not the least, it will throttle FGITW shooters who will have to go through an additional screen before dumping their garbage into the question. Especially if the popup shows full text of the dupe target (and its answers!) and if the button to proceed to answer is at its bottom. And _especially_ if the dupe target is a typical [meta-tag:canonical] question, with lengthy and / or multiple answers.

Implementing such a feature needn't be effort consuming, at least in its simplest form: warning message text, link(s) to duplicate(s) and two buttons for user to pick either to proceed or abstain of answering.

<sup>(Certainly cheaper than [attempt to change license](http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/272956/165773), possibly even as cheap as [3CV experiment at Programmers](https://softwareengineering.meta.stackexchange.com/q/7723/31260).)</sup>

And it can be tested say, at MSO / MSE prior to making decision on whether to give it a go at main site.