[meta-tag:feature-request] Could you *hire* some NLP experts who are good for starting compelling, attractive technical discussions to bring subject matter experts from the **broad community**, preferably "outsiders", people not having a Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange account before the launch of Discussions? You might start looking for them asking to the top answerers and askers of natural language processing tags across the Stack Exchange network: - https://cs.stackexchange.com/tags/natural-language-processing/topusers - https://ai.stackexchange.com/tags/natural-language-processing/topusers - https://stats.stackexchange.com/tags/natural-language/topusers - https://datascience.stackexchange.com/tags/nlp/topusers --- After three days, the "NLP Discussions" having more replies and views are meta discussions that should be "migrated" to Stack Overflow Meta. Only one *NLP-recognized-member* posted replies, and they are the *community liaison*.