> While a plugin pattern could be useful for the site, most of the questions are going to be either too broad or opinion based.

I think plugin development is very on topic for this side and doesn't has to be too broad or opinion based. These ones doesn't look too broad to me. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/177140/design-pattern-for-implementing-plugins-in-your-application or https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25449/how-to-create-a-pluginable-java-program

There are lots of software packages that enable different kinds of modifications. Sometimes you will actually modify the core product and sometimes you will only write a plugin. On example is [tag:liferay] where there seems to be no [tag:liferay-plugins] (yet). You could create a tag for everyone of those, but I'd assume that generates much more rarely used tags and some really misleading ones.

Misleading ones could be [tag:java-plugins] or [tag:.net-plugins]. The name would suggest you are writing a plugin for [tag:java] or [tag:.net] however you probably want to build your own product with api support. This one probably doesn't even have a known name yet and would disqualify for its own tag.

Looking at the tag even 380 people seem to find it so useful that they follow it.

I would rather keep it than creating an even larger mess.