Go to https://stackoverflow.com/talent/en and scroll down to the blurb "100 Million+ visitors a month to Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange". The link behind "Stack Exchange" points to https://stackoverflow.com/ instead of to https://stackexchange.com/ [![enter image description here][1]][1] The actual code looks like: <div class="flex--item9 fc-black-700 fs-body3"> <strong class="p-ff-source-bold">Million+</strong> visitors a month to <a href="/">Stack Overflow</a> and<br class="sm:d-none"> <a href="/">Stack Exchange</a> <div class="fs-caption pt6 fc-black-200">Source: Comscore</div> </div> So the second `href="/"` shouldn't be a relative link. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/8LyJk.png