Sites are only listed in the target list if they are in the top 5 of *actual* migrations, determined by number of migrations and the success rate. Cross Validated is not in that top 5; in the past 90 days only 39 posts have been migrated (with 5% rejections). Compare this to the current #1 migration target, DBA.SE, with 309 migrations. When you come across a post that is *off-topic* for Stack Overflow *and* is high-quality, you can flag it for moderator attention (choose 'other'), and explain that the post should be migrated to CR. Just because it is interesting: Cross Validated migrated 216 questions *in the other direction*; it is the second most active source of migrated posts, after Programmers and way ahead of #3 (Super User with 55 migrations). Apparently CR is getting many more off-topic questions than Stack Overflow is getting CR questions!