I think you fell into a common misconception with regards to duplicates. You state "*there's a rule of thumb that says that if an answer to one question answers a different question exactly, word for word, then both questions are duplicates*" which is not true. Just because one solution applies to another question does not mean that the questions are the same. That does not mean that is not the case here though, just that looking only at answers for duplicate eligibility is going to result in inappropriate closure from time to time.

The guidance for closing a duplication was said very well on the [dupehammer post](http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/231212/178816) (emphasis mine):

 > Remember: **duplicates are questions that ask for a solution to fundamentally identical problems** - many questions have similar or identical answers but are not duplicates. By the same token, many questions are asked using very different wordings but seek to solve identical questions - closing these helps folks find their way to a solution even when they don't know what terms to search for.

These two questions pointed out *do have fundamentally identical problems*. Mostly that using the attribute selector will not match the inherited User Agent settings (or other Browser related settings) should they apply - which, you do address in your answer and that is the fundamental issue being presented in these two questions.

I believe they are duplicates, for the reasons explained above, and have voted as such.