OK, do we really need all this in the Help Center?

> This is called creating a minimal, reproducible example (reprex), a minimal, complete and verifiable example (mcve), or a minimal, workable example (mwe).

> The use of “reprex” for Reproducible Example was inspired by Jenny Bryan’s reprex package for R.

> <sup>You may have been told to include an MCVE – Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable examples is what they were referring to. MCVE was also the former name of the page you're reading now, occasionally misspelled as MVCE, before it was renamed to Minimal, Reproducible Example (sometimes called “reprex”, “min-reprex”, “repro” or just “example”).</sup>

This text doesn't add any value to the [Minimal, Reproducible Example](https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example) page.  It just adds noise and confusion to an otherwise informative article.

I propose a simple change: *just strike all of this text from the page.*


If you really *must* have an abbreviation for this, use **MRE**.  It matches the title of the page, unlike the other abbreviations, and it's also what we give our troops out in the field: a high-calorie, no-fuss, reconstitutable meal.  What could be more appropriate? :)