> tl;dr: __Send all reports of SCRAPERs to us via the form on the
> [*contact us*](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/contact) page, linked at
> the bottom of every page.__ Please include:
> - the URL of the copied post
> - the URL of the original post on SE
> - for high-rankers, the search string you used (and the name of the search engine, if not Google)
> - any other details you noticed and want to share, because you're awesome
> (This is the end of the tl;dr section.)
> I used to be the _de facto_ curator of the two SCRAPER reporting posts
> here on Meta: [one for
> attribution](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/131846/report-sites-that-use-stack-exchange-content-without-following-attribution-rules)
> and [another for
> ranking](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/71820/report-high-google-ranking-stack-exchange-content-copiers-here).
> The community was pretty good about using them, but like all list
> questions, they eventually turned into unmanageable messes that were
> hard to search. I've just saved all of the information posted there
> and deleted them.
> The community team has been working on improving its internal process
> for SCRAPERs behind the scenes, and now that I've joined the staff,
> I'm going to be in charge of it. By funneling everything through our
> usual support mechanisms, we can organize our own efforts better, and
> as a side effect, we won't be giving Google-juice to the very sites
> that are being called out for being naughty.

[Pop's Answer](http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/200178/175002)