Testing [a bug in Chrome](https://crbug.com/1294146) (at least in macOS) where `requestAnimationFrame` fires far faster than screen refresh rate when scrolling if an other StackSnippet is running. I unfortunately can't make a min-repro outside of StackExchange, so here it is... ___ Steps to reproduce: - Run the first snippet, check the logged values. On a 60Hz monitor, they should be around 60FPS everywhere. - Start scrolling the main page. The values may start changing a bit (though normally only `min` should). - Run the second snippet and scroll back to the first one. See how `max` goes crazy out with numbers like 5,000 or 10,000FPS (I believe the rounded value is due to `performance.now()`'s min precision, thanks Spectre). Checking the rAF timestamp in these frames gives us a difference of `0`: multiple callbacks did fire in a single frame). <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false --> <!-- language: lang-js --> const store = []; let min = Infinity; let max = -Infinity; // some "stabilizer" loop in order to avoid outliers const loop = () => requestAnimationFrame(loop); loop(); let lastRaf; // start after everything warmed up setTimeout(() => requestAnimationFrame(measure), 500); function measure(rafTime) { const now = performance.now(); if (store.length) { const diff = +(1000 / (now - store[store.length-1])); max = Math.max(diff, max); min = Math.min(diff, min); if(diff>1000) { console.log("timestamp-diff", rafTime - lastRaf); } } lastRaf = rafTime; store.push(now); if (store.length > 10) { store.shift(); } const diffs = store.map((t,i,a) => (a[i+1]||t)-t); const sum = diffs.reduce((s,t) => s+t, 0); const avg = sum / (diffs.length - 1); log.textContent = `average: ${(1000 / avg).toFixed(2)}FPS maximum: ${max.toFixed(2)}FPS minimum: ${min.toFixed(2)}FPS`; requestAnimationFrame(measure) } <!-- language: lang-css --> .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 110px !important; } <!-- language: lang-html --> <pre id=log></pre> <!-- end snippet --> <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false --> <!-- language: lang-html --> <h1>hello</h1> <!-- end snippet -->