Some problems: - Large numbers of downvotes scare people away and result in hurt feelings - Upvotes are made to “counterbalance” downvotes (this happens because of the previous) instead of because a question or answer is good - A single upvote cancels out either 2.5 or 5 downvotes and can result in net positive reputation for very bad posts (this tends to happen because of the previous) My suggestion for a solution to these problems is to, for negative-scored questions and answers, display −1 as the score and apply −2 to reputation¹. In other words: - continue displaying −1 as the score for any post scored lower than −1 - cap rep loss from any post at −2¹ - make downvotes worth the same as upvotes for negative-scored posts Let’s fix the C/C++² undefined behaviour dogpiles! The net wins for undetected sockpuppets on −4-scored questions! The apparent³ incentive to delete and re-ask downvoted questions instead of fixing them! The general frustration and feeling of unwelcomeness of new users, even if they totally deserve it for not reading the FAQ⁴! Let’s free people of the guilt of voting on questions that need improvement lest too many share the opinion, and even things out for popular tags. Thanks in advance. --- <sub>¹ or something – [meta-tag:discussion] is solicited</sub> <sub>² heh heh</sub> <sub>³ it results in a question ban, but they don’t know that and will do it anyway</sub> <sub>⁴ just so we’re clear: this is not true</sub>