I believe this should be interpreted as follows: the moderator rejection reply says nothing about if the source question is off-topic or not; it is stating that the reason you provided (conversion from C++ to Java) is not specific enough to validate asking for moderator intervention. That statement alone is not enough information for a moderator to act on, to begin with it does not prove that the question is off-topic. It is merely arguably a strong indicator that it is so. If you flag for moderator intervention, you should make sure you are basically laying out the situation on a silver platter such that the required action can be understood without first having to study the source question. It helps to specifically state what moderator intervention is requested. Should the bounty be removed? Should the question be closed? Something else? To provide a background to that interpretation, I have this other meta question in mind: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/293973/how-should-questions-that-contain-links-to-an-infected-virus-page-be-flagged